quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013

The 2005 King Kong

The 2005 King Kong

- Origin:
Kong was found by a film crew leaded by Carl Deham. He was captured from his birthplace , Skull IsIand (In King Kong, Skull Island is located at approximately 12°S 78°E — somewhere off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.) Then the giant ape was taken to New York. where he met his final destiny)
-Powers; Abillities:
Strenght ( Kong is able to lift a rock thats almost his size)
Agility ( Kong easily  jumps and climbs the  huge cliffs and mountains in Skull Island)
Inteligence ( the 2005 Kong shows to be as smart as a chimpanzee, or maybe even more. He has feeligns that resemble those of humans.)
Teeth ( In the 2005 movie. Kong is seen biting a V-rex, wich is pretty impressive)
Fighting Skills ( This version of Kong is very agile and smart, and for sure he knows how to use the enviroment as a friend when he is fighting 3 Rexes at the same time!)
foto (8)foto (7)foto (4)foto (5)foto (6)

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