quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2013

1976 King Kong

Origin: The owner of the oil company Petrox Corporation, Fred Wilson, invests all his possessions searching oil in an unexplored island. The vessel leaves Surubaya, in Indonesia, with the stowaway Jack Prescott, who wants to protect an ape called Kong. While traveling, they find the castaway Dwan in the middle of nowhere in a rescue boat in the ocean and bring her on board. The group finds that the island is inhabited and the local natives worship a 50 foot gorilla called Kong. They abduct Dwan to offer her in a sacrifice to Kong. The crew hikes into the jungle trying to rescue Dwan. King Kong falls in love with Dwan and protects her against a huge serpent. When Fred finds that the oil in the island is not ready for exploitation, he decides to capture Kong and bring him to New York for exhibition. In the middle of a show the huge gorilla becomes restless, trying to return home.

Powrts; Abillities:

Supeer strenght;

Super Endurance ( able to survive from falling from the huge Twin Towers)

Jumping abillity

Climbing abillity ( Climbs huge structures in his island and building in NY City).

Able to swim ( he is not afraid of the other like other gorillas are)

Combat intelligence

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Origin: Infant Island, a tropical oasis in the Indonesian Archipelago, was bombarded with massive waves following an asteroid collision in the early19 90's. The torrential climactic shift in the area revealed an enormous egg buried in the side of a hill. An expedition was soon sent to the island to investigate the climactic changes, and it so happened that this small trio discovered the egg during their search of the tiny isle. Even more bizarre, a pair of twin fairies called the Cosmos appeared near the egg. When the team started to transport the island to Japan, it started to crack and reveal a beautiful monster : Mothra


Flight at mach 3;

Can travel through space;

Hurricane winds from wings;

Antenna ray-shooting beams;

Web attack.


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King Caesar

Origin:In the Showa series, King Caesar was the guardian of the Azumi family. He could be awakened by fulfilling a prophecy and an ancient song.

Powers; Ablillities:

King Caesar possesses formidable speed, strength and agility, enabling him to use various martial arts techniques, making him a formidable foe in close combat.

He is rock-solid, able to withstand a horrible beating before going down.

His most notable ability, however, is his ability to draw the energy beams of enemy Kaiju into his eyes, and fire it back at the target.

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One day Tskioka witnessed a gigantic Kaiju fight in Japan. The fighters- One was the powerful Godzilla. The opposing force, a quadruped spiked shelled beast, dubbed Anguirus. The monsters trashed what beauty that existed in less than a few hours, but it was the gargantuan beast Godzilla that won, ripping the throat of the Anguirus, and feeling its blood run through his teeth. Roasting the carcass, the monster left the shores and headed back into the seas that he knew so well.

Nearly three decades passed before humanity was able to behold the sight of another. This one had taken home on an island. Coexisting with another resident, Godzilla, the beasts gained respect within their reptilian eyes. In the early 1970's the duo of saviors swam to Japan to stop the rampaging creations of space. Under Godzilla and Anguirus' combined might, the two were able to drive off the team of Gigan and King Ghidorah.


Giant Spikes on his tought carapace;

Burrowing abillity;


Able to roll like a ball to attack opponents.


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quarta-feira, 5 de junho de 2013


Origin- Vastatosaurus Rex is a descendant of a Tyranosaur and is the largest terrestrial predator on the prehistoric surviving island of Skull Island, reaching the height of 25 feet (7.64 metres) tall at the head and measures up from to 70 feet (21 meters)  long and weighing around 10 tons.



Powerful bite;

hunting abillity (carnivorous)



quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2013

King Ghidorah

-Origin: Created as an opponent for Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra in1964's Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, King Ghidorah is a golden dragon-like space monster with two legs, three heads on long necks, bat-like wings, and two tails.


Uses his 3 heads to bite and constrict opponents

King Ghidorah flies at the speed of Mach 3.

Is able to fire Lightning Beams, which are called Gravity beams, from his mouths.

Is able to create hurricane winds from his wings.



-Origin: A cyborg monster hailing from the Nebula M Spacehunter, Gigan was sent to Earth to wipe out the planet’s population.


Giant buzzsaw in abdomen;


Laser beam from the eye;

Weapons in hands.



-Origin: Gamera is an ancient turtle like beast from millions of years ago. At some point in time he was imprisoned in some ice. He was awakened when some American bombers drop a bomb on his resting place. Gamera was released and wreaked havoc on Japan.



Flight at Mach 3.5 using rockets contained in limbs;

can open plates in his chest and fire a Mana Blast;

able to absorb and manipulate fire;

can swim at 180 knots;

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quarta-feira, 29 de maio de 2013



Godzilla is a gigantic mutant dinosaur, transformed from the fallout of an atomic bomb test. As the Godzilla series continued, the great beast was developed as a character, and has become a savior of the earth, saving the world from other monsters (usually from Outer Space) like King Ghidorah, Gigan and MechaGodzilla, along with other monsters like Rodan and Mothra.

-Powers; Abillities:

Atomic Ray - Godzilla's dorsal fins glow ominously, and then he lets loose with a concentrated blast of radiation from his mouth.

Durability – Godzilla has shown great durability and regeneration.

Amphibiousness – Godzilla spends half of his life underwater.

Strenght – Godzilla is able to lift and throw other Kaijus


sábado, 25 de maio de 2013


Zilla was actually a marine iguana in the French Polynesia. After an atomic bomb test, all of the reptiles that once lived there, were mutated, or died. But, miracously (or not ) one of them started to grow faster and faster. Years later, he was found in a Japanese sea after brutally attacking a fishing ship. Later, in New York, Zilla fought the US Army, and layed his eggs in Madison Square Garden. Some plenes were then sent by the Army to destroy Zilla and his eggs. But one of the eggs survived, leting a baby Zilla to be born!
Speed: Zilla is able to run as fast as a Comanche helicopter ( around 500 Kmph).
Teeth and claws: Zilla has giant razor-sharp claws and teeth, wich are able to tear trought metal or concrete.
Burrowing : He is able to burrow troght concrete
Swimming : the giant lizard shows to be a grat swimmer
Hiding : Easily hides trought NYC, beign able to foil the Army
Jumping; Agility
Tail: Zilla uses his giant spined tail as a powerful weapon.

1933 King Kong

-Origin: The same as the 2005 King Kong.

-Powers; Abillities:

Climbing: He is able to climb the Empire State Building ( but not as easily as the 2005 Kong)

Strengh: He rips off the wing of the Pteranodon.

Fighting Skills: Uses the branches and rocks of Skull Island to battle the dinosaurs.




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quinta-feira, 23 de maio de 2013

The 2005 King Kong

The 2005 King Kong

- Origin:
Kong was found by a film crew leaded by Carl Deham. He was captured from his birthplace , Skull IsIand (In King Kong, Skull Island is located at approximately 12°S 78°E — somewhere off the coast of Sumatra, Indonesia.) Then the giant ape was taken to New York. where he met his final destiny)
-Powers; Abillities:
Strenght ( Kong is able to lift a rock thats almost his size)
Agility ( Kong easily  jumps and climbs the  huge cliffs and mountains in Skull Island)
Inteligence ( the 2005 Kong shows to be as smart as a chimpanzee, or maybe even more. He has feeligns that resemble those of humans.)
Teeth ( In the 2005 movie. Kong is seen biting a V-rex, wich is pretty impressive)
Fighting Skills ( This version of Kong is very agile and smart, and for sure he knows how to use the enviroment as a friend when he is fighting 3 Rexes at the same time!)
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